Sunday, December 16, 2012

heart broken…

This past week our nation was stunned to hear that teachers and young students were murdered while they were at a school in Connecticut. The horror was unimaginable to see on the news and at times it was overwhelmingly sad to watch the facts unfold from all the true accounts. But when the names and ages of the slain children began to be broadcast, I completely lost it. So young; too young, too soon these babies…and their teachers are gone. This is one of those times when a cry is raised to put an end to….something. Let’s end bullying, or improve school security. Let’s assemble a panel on mass violence or blame the parents or blame violent video games or ban guns, etc. There may be great validity in applying some focus on new safety measures and towards the prevention of these violent acts. However, there is more at the root of the problem than what is being addressed.

The ultimate problem can be summed up in one word: sin. Sin entered the world and the earth groans under the weight of it. Sin begets all kinds of selfish actions. And the only solution to the problem of sin is salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. The fact that we don’t want to acknowledge is that if it weren’t for the life transforming power of Grace, there would be far more atrocities committed at the hands of immensely flawed humans who are bent on destruction. I have personally witnessed the power of God in young people who would be considered a lost cause by many. These were students whom by their own admission and in their sins had a fierce desire to hurt others. Some were even planning their own form of revenge. But, because of Salvation, they are changed and now share their own stories of regeneration.

I do not have all the answers or even condolences for this tragedy but I do know that the Father of all creation watched His own child be mocked, beaten, and murdered. And the Bible tells us Jesus has firsthand knowledge of our sorrow and grief (Isaiah 53:4). Jesus died a criminal’s death to save sinners. We will never be able to entirely avoid affliction on this side of eternity and the redeemed soul knows that if God does not choose to rescue them from disaster in this life, then He will rescue them in death. “Trust in the Lord…with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5)…even when it is in confused and broken pieces. He is the only salve for our wounded hearts and sin wrecked souls. Tell others about Jesus. Obey His word and follow His example… even when it hurts or it is hard …and watch Him restore what was shattered by sin.


“…the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31


….Lord Jesus, we need You..

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

oh, baby...

Most people just love babies and for little girls it can be a fascination formed at a very young age. What girl can forget playing with a baby doll. Both my nieces have loved collecting their dolls and the pretend play of being a little mama.  My youngest niece has a doll she named “babby abbby" and it became her constant companion. She would twist and twirl the doll’s hair around her little finger and hold on so tightly that before long, “babby abby” was in need of some lavish hair extensions. Oh how she has loved on that doll and how we all have enjoyed watching this bright, smiling baby girl light up as she has shared stories of her "babby abby" adventures in her own little toddler vernacular. Whether we are little girls playing with dolls or grown up girls (even girls with seemingly jaded hearts) we can all get pretty mushy at the sight of a small rosy cheeked cherub. The innocence and joy of a baby can lighten the hardened affections of some seriously Scrooge-y folks and foster a wealth of compassion, kindness, charity...and even grace. God in all of His infinite wisdom chose this very form, the form of a baby, for Salvation to come to us. Such a lowly state for the King of glory to make His entrance and yet this was one baby that had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats.
Oh, when I think of what Jesus did; that He would come to earth as a helpless baby. He is Majesty, yet He subjected Himself to the limitations of human living.  He cried like a baby, was fed and changed like a baby, toddled like a baby because He was a baby. But Jesus was also fully God and He grew up and lived humbly in a world where people would hate Him. He left the holy grandeur of heaven where angels sang to the glory and praise of Almighty God and came to a world filled with beings bent on living apart from God and His saving Grace. Jesus came as an infant to a place where an earthly king would have such arrogant indifference to the value of human life that he would seek the slaying of every baby two years of age and under ... all in an effort to destroy the Power and Presence of a heavenly King.  I will never be able to fathom the depth of loss that must have been felt by Jesus when He left His Father’s presence and was plunged into such a life. To the Glory of God, He did it anyway and with unending love for us. He was born, He lived on this earth and He died to give eternal life to me and to all who are called by His name. Oh what a magnificent Baby…oh what praise we bring to our King...oh what a glorious Savior!

"The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

Oh Jesus, glory to Your name always and forever! This Baby, this King, this Holy One who came to bring salvation!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

got hope?

Hope is a powerful force!  As the holidays approach, I hear of those in my circles of influence that are going through difficult times and in need a little hope.  My heart aches for those who feel they have no hope and think of giving up. Often times, distraught folks have been clinging to a false hope that is only an escape from reality and is never lasting.  Merriam-Webster's Dictionary has several definitions for the word hope; one being “to cherish a desire with anticipation”.  Another definition - and this is more representative of the biblical usage of the word - “to expect with confidence: trust”.  Hope may refer to the activity of hoping or to the object hoped for. Either way, hope is never passive.  Authentic hope is a vitalizing, life infusing force that nothing can destroy. Hard times may disturb hope… but never destroy it. 
So what does this hope look like?  Well there are so many examples in God’s word of girls who had twenty-four carat hope…the real thing…one being Mary, the mother of Jesus. Did you know that she was probably only 12 or 13 when an angel appeared to her and told her she would be a mother? She was just an ordinary girl who was engaged to a carpenter and probably looking forward to marriage…. a poor, young girl being given a pretty shocking telegram from the Maker of the universe! This angelic report was Good News…she would be the vessel to usher in the Messiah, the Savior of all men.  This assignment presented a few hardships and possible outcomes. Mary would be pregnant before her wedding and likely subject to a whisper campaign against her reputation for the supposed scandal when she had done nothing wrong. She might even lose her fiancĂ© due to this premarital muddle. And even though it was difficult for her to understand how she might conceive her Savior, she responded in a way that was a breathtaking exhibition of the hope she unmistakably clung to. Mary’s example is the ideal for how real hope changes a person. Not just small change, but significant change! For starters, hope changes our perception of ourselves. It turns our reflection into one that is that of traveler here on earth and the portrait of life here as it really is; a fragile thing and not at all permanent…merely a doodle on a page.  It points our attention to God who is the perfect creator of our earthly life and heavenly promise.  As the angel said to Mary, “…no word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37   This is the certainty that caused Mary to sayI am the Lord's servant…may it be to me as you have said."  Luke 1:38   A girl who hopes is a girl who says, “I am yours Lord, do with my life what you will because it is yours.”  Hope also changes what is important to us. Heaven is the home we are inching towards and the hope of that dims everything else by comparison and affects how we spend the time we have been given.  
Like many girls out there, I personally have had moments of melancholy and feelings of gloominess. But like Mary, the trustful expectations of the fulfillment of all of God’s promises are what have held me in hope’s grasp. It is not a flimsy or baseless optimism, nor is it a superficial longing for some marginally attainable good thing.  True hope stands in the face of suffering and has its confidence in the God of the Bible and His saving acts.   
“That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:10
Oh Lord, You are my only Savior, my only Hope. I trust in You no matter what and You destroy the dark places that try to envelop my heart.

Monday, June 25, 2012

favorite things...

When I was a little girl, my favorite things were so simple…I loved wearing pigtails, running around outside…barefoot… all summer long. Mama taught me to swim, and helped me overcome my fear of the diving board. I loved staying all day at the pool and diving deep into the water ; feeling the refreshing coolness as my hands cut through the water over and over again until I was so tired… I would fall asleep on my towel in front of the kitchen (while the aroma of supper danced in the air)…the sound of cartoons playing somewhere in the background.  

Then as a young girl, my favorite things were different.  I loved to spend hours reading and imagining myself as the characters in the fairytales I read…the princess or the heroine…I loved ballet class, following and imitating the steps of my dance teacher. I loved riding my bike to the store and taking my granddad’s glass Coca-Cola bottles to the Piggly Wiggly and getting the deposit for the glass…just meager change- but so fun that he would let my brother and me keep the money and  go to the local dime store to buy grape bubble gum. I loved shoes and fashion and curling my hair, playing dress up… and I had posters (of the current teen heart-throb) on my wall and began listening to records all day. (we are talking vinyl here of course)

The high school girl version of me went through a myriad of different favorites, but all matching the typical teenage standard…music, friends, not flunking algebra. There was definitely a shift in the core of my girlhood attachments. I began to be more concerned about the opinion of my peers and was heavily influenced by the culture I was immersing myself in. But the reality was that inside was mostly still little girl pigtails, princess stories and ballet class, while the outside reflected big hair, blue mascara, and 80’s fad fashions and sometimes…a punk rock rebel attitude. I began to want to make my own way without really knowing what that all meant and often wound up trying to fill a void with things that don’t matter…but at the time...those things became my favorites. Most of all, I just wanted to be accepted, to be a part of something…to be loved.

The majority of girls that age tend towards a trend that begins in an innocent mind and often emerges due to the influence of the culture and the growing need to belong.  The more we try to fit, the more we find we are wandering lost and the favorite things of girlhood are forfeited for the allure of acceptance. In the end, there is only ONE whose acceptance matters most, and that acceptance was bought with a most valuable price. It was always there, even when we didn’t notice.  Jesus died and paid a debt we are completely unable to pay and His love is supreme, no other love and acceptance can ever compare. Belonging to Christ is the only real belonging and the greatest love a girl can ever know. The fellowship and sisterhood of believers is more excellent than anything we experience when following the crowd into groups or cliques we might think we have true community with.  Jesus sees those who are called His own as treasured, beloved, adored, cherished….

Belonging to Him…my Favorite.

“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” 1 Corinthians 1:21-22

Oh Lord, may those You have saved and call Your own treasure their existence in You, and cherish the promise of salvation and belonging to You.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

good work...

There is no better way to figure out how to be a girl after God’s own heart than to look at examples of the virtuous and God-fearing women God may have put in our lives.  As I write this, I am thinking of so many women of God that have taught me, inspired me, humbled me, corrected me and blessed me. Each one has given me something different, in addition to their sisterly or motherly friendship, that I rely on in almost every moment of my day.  Although not by name, you will catch a glimpse of these exceptional women here in this post.

I have needed their influence along the way whether I knew it or not. I needed their examples as a young girl and I still need them for I am now in a completely new stage in life as a wife, mom, and woman searching out those specific areas in which God would have me serve. The youngest of my four sons is now in youth group so I have more freedom to serve in youth ministry to the extent that I have longed to for a while now. My husband Drew and I met because of our mutual calling to reach out to youth and children with the gospel, but raising my rambunctious boys has kept me fairly well occupied. It hasn’t always been easy to stay back with my young ones in tow while he went out into the wide world of youth evangelism, summer camp and laser tag. Don’t get me wrong, I have been blessed to be a mom and I have loved every minute of it. Even if I was just choosing the best baby bottle, I know at the time I was where I was meant to be.  I was just patiently awaiting the moment God might give me the freedom to jump back in, still not exactly sure where it might lead me.  I know I am not the only girl out there with this same experience and I am not only speaking to just the married or mom friends.  I know that there are many girls in high school, college, and also quite a few single or career women out there too who are wondering when their day of discovering their niche in service or ministry will come.  Of course, only God has the answer to that question, and looking into the scriptures we can see how God used ordinary people and their passions, talents, life skills, personalities, struggles and even their stage in life to bring their calling into focus.  After all, He is the author and designer of all these facets of our lives.    

No matter what your situation, many times our calling comes right in our own family. I speak to so many kids who just don’t understand how important it can be to be a Godly brother or sister to a sibling, and a help to your mother or father…a blessing to those you spend so much of your time with. Serve those people who are right there in front of you without complaining and watch and see the blessings it produces in your life.  If God chooses to bless you to become a wife and mother one day, then you will again have  an incredible ministry right in your own home; raising children to become godly men and women who can evangelize the world one day…maybe even the next Charles Spurgeon or Elizabeth Elliot. But why wait until then to love and serve the next generation?  

Being a girl after God’s own heart is never dull and with God there are no impossibilities as we grow into women and search for our purpose. God may place a woman working in a company where she sharpens the organizational skills needed to start a food pantry, a mentoring/ job training ministry, or even rescuing victims of child slavery. She may design software  and is able to one day help ministries set up their own websites, not to mention, the network of people she meets that God may one day use to assist her in that calling.  An older sister or a mom of an autistic child may one day counsel and encourage someone going through the same struggles she herself faced or find a way to support many ministries and missions working through a service business that also allows her use her God given gift of hospitality. She may find a clever solution to a problem or create a home business that is of great value to others. She may manage her own corporation of hand crafted goods from home and accomplish things she wouldn’t have otherwise been able to do in another setting because she is more productive in domestic surroundings ...and it may become a thriving industry that provides thousands of jobs for others. She may become a medical missionary bringing medicine and supplies to those who have nothing or use musical abilities God has given to inspire and uplift many with her worship songs. And I haven’t even begun to mention all those women who are the mainstay of prayer and support for their spouse, brother, sister or friend who is serving in missions or vocational ministry. What about the girl who simply listens…really listens and comforts and guides someone who doesn’t have anyone else to turn to. I could continue on and on and still not cover the breadth and depth of what a God fearing woman can accomplish in service for Jesus. But the point is that God knows… and He uses everything… from the seemingly small, mundane day to day events… to the overwhelming struggles…to shape us, mold us, work through us…  And it isn’t really what we can bring to Him but what He does ...with the circumstances we face and the capabilities He gave us ...through the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

So, to use a sort of old clichĂ© that has been the motto for many a ladies retreat, “Bloom where you are planted”.  My interpretation of that old axiom is “Minister where you are providentially positioned”.  Most of the time, we find that our ministry calling isn’t some far off, lofty goal that may come into fruition in the distant future; it is whatever is right in front of us at that moment.

I am so thankful for these verses that remind us that it all starts with Him and His work in our hearts.

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”  Colossians 3:17 (NLT)

 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

Thank You Lord for your transforming power, and thank You for work that glorifies You!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

oh death....

There are many messages that the world sends out about the value of human life and the proposition of human death. For many years, concerns have been raised about the desensitizing effect of music and video games in which human life is so easily discarded. Even more recently, some concern has been raised with the onslaught of the very popular The Twilight Saga series and its messages about death, the soul and eternal life, and the mega popular The Hunger Games series and its thematic elements involving a “kill or be killed” story concept.  Life and death issues are commonly presented to us in many forms but seldom exhibit a true depiction of the eternal consequences of death. A couple of things here in reality are certain though: we come into existence because God ordained for our life to begin and one day we all die. Death is a part of life, even for the Christian. But that doesn’t mean life has to end.

As Resurrection Sunday approaches, we are reminded of the crucifixion of Jesus and all that it means. There is no altering the message here of life, death, or eternity. There is no variation on a theme. Jesus lived a sinless life, died as a sacrifice for our sins - which separate us from God, and offers the gift of eternal life to those who believe in Him. Because of the blood of Jesus, salvation is possible and eternal life is available. No man made story can depict the truth and beauty of Gospel redemption and the exchanged life. This is real…for those who believe…it is life giving.

Riding home from running some errands today, I noticed people walking to their cars following a funeral at a nearby cemetery. On this gloriously sunny afternoon, I could clearly see the sadness in their expressions. I have personally experienced loss and know the ache left behind when a loved one dies. Even more painful is the loss when it was the result of a violent, senseless act. But I am reminded that as painful as death and loss is, its darkness and finality is blotted out forever - for the believer. As beautiful and precious as life here on earth is…and it is so very precious…new life, life abundantly, and life eternally is infinitely dearer. It is this truth that allows the believer to proclaim: “Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death, where is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55.  I will never know how someone who does not have their heart possessed by the truth of Sovereign Grace ever survives such a blow as death brings…thank You Lord, my God and Savior, I will never have to know.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25,26 

Oh Lord, You are my one and only Savior. Thank You for Your life giving sacrifice!

wardrobe remix...

I love my boys’ baby pictures, but I sometimes giggle at the wardrobe choices I made for them at the time.   I mean how many sailor suits do...