Tuesday, December 4, 2012

oh, baby...

Most people just love babies and for little girls it can be a fascination formed at a very young age. What girl can forget playing with a baby doll. Both my nieces have loved collecting their dolls and the pretend play of being a little mama.  My youngest niece has a doll she named “babby abbby" and it became her constant companion. She would twist and twirl the doll’s hair around her little finger and hold on so tightly that before long, “babby abby” was in need of some lavish hair extensions. Oh how she has loved on that doll and how we all have enjoyed watching this bright, smiling baby girl light up as she has shared stories of her "babby abby" adventures in her own little toddler vernacular. Whether we are little girls playing with dolls or grown up girls (even girls with seemingly jaded hearts) we can all get pretty mushy at the sight of a small rosy cheeked cherub. The innocence and joy of a baby can lighten the hardened affections of some seriously Scrooge-y folks and foster a wealth of compassion, kindness, charity...and even grace. God in all of His infinite wisdom chose this very form, the form of a baby, for Salvation to come to us. Such a lowly state for the King of glory to make His entrance and yet this was one baby that had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats.
Oh, when I think of what Jesus did; that He would come to earth as a helpless baby. He is Majesty, yet He subjected Himself to the limitations of human living.  He cried like a baby, was fed and changed like a baby, toddled like a baby because He was a baby. But Jesus was also fully God and He grew up and lived humbly in a world where people would hate Him. He left the holy grandeur of heaven where angels sang to the glory and praise of Almighty God and came to a world filled with beings bent on living apart from God and His saving Grace. Jesus came as an infant to a place where an earthly king would have such arrogant indifference to the value of human life that he would seek the slaying of every baby two years of age and under ... all in an effort to destroy the Power and Presence of a heavenly King.  I will never be able to fathom the depth of loss that must have been felt by Jesus when He left His Father’s presence and was plunged into such a life. To the Glory of God, He did it anyway and with unending love for us. He was born, He lived on this earth and He died to give eternal life to me and to all who are called by His name. Oh what a magnificent Baby…oh what praise we bring to our King...oh what a glorious Savior!

"The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

Oh Jesus, glory to Your name always and forever! This Baby, this King, this Holy One who came to bring salvation!

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wardrobe remix...

I love my boys’ baby pictures, but I sometimes giggle at the wardrobe choices I made for them at the time.   I mean how many sailor suits do...