Wednesday, May 15, 2013

so mean...

We have all heard the saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” The saying at our house is “Only kind words.”  Truth be told, we are all prone to spout from the pit of our flesh and not the core of the spirit God gives us. Then we either end up with self-loathing regret or constantly making excuses for our lingual lapses. It takes a pro-active, premeditated approach on our part, keeping in mind that words matter to God (just read Matthew 12:36 and James chapter 3) …and mean words and actions can be harmful to the hearts He created. Moreover, our ability to be an example of a girl after God’s own heart can bear a serious blemish due to the “mean girl” reputation.  I have to say, I have regrets about my own mean words.  I have also seen it in the church, young and old. So let’s talk about what exactly this mean stuff is. We don’t get to define it for ourselves; God has already outlined it in his word.

Criticism:  Although this word is not always used to express fault –finding, it is commonly taken to mean some kind of disapproval.  Often under the pretense of helpful guidance, a word or two may be spoken and have unintended consequence.  We may make a seemingly simple comment about someone’s abilities, ideas, or appearance not knowing we have cut to the quick on a sensitive subject.  Speaking the truth in love…” (Ephesians 4:15) does not imply that you can smile at your friend while you say her outfit is ugly or her make-up is awful. That verse (and really the whole chapter) is a call to tell the truth about Christ without sugarcoating it or watering it down…and without being self-righteous or prideful.  The beginning of Ephesians chapter 4 tells us to “…live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” There may be something going on in a person's heart, something that needs healing or a word of encouragement. Think before you speak. It is not OK to slam someone and call it constructive criticism.  

Unnecessary input:  My husband often tells our kids: “Just because you have a lot of thoughts or opinions about something, doesn’t mean you always have to share them.”   This is true. Maybe we don’t possess the place of authority to say something or we don’t know all the facts. Unnecessary input can further complicate an already tense situation. Often friendship and support, or just knowing you are there pray and listen is what is necessary. The timing or setting may not be right either. It can be unnecessarily cruel to comment and humiliate someone in front of others. “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” Proverbs 18:2    (ouch!)

Gossip:  Ok, so this is an obvious one right?  Not always. Depending on the motive of the heart, the sharing of a “prayer request” can just end up being gossip in sheep’s clothing.  Be careful you are not spilling another’s secret out of jealousy or simply the need to be heard. And beware; you may end up repeating what is an outright lie!  Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one's heart.” Proverb 18:8;  Do not go about spreading slander among your people…Leviticus 19:16,And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness…” James 3:6

I recently sat down to talk with a friend and she shared these very wise guidelines with me. It is a test for all the things we speak

Before we talk, we should ask three questions…

Is it kind?    Can you say it and still be kind?   Are the words you speak truly kind and sincerely loving?

Is it needful?   Is it necessary? Is someone in danger if it is not said? Is it the right time and place for saying it? 

Is it truthful?  Is it true? Not by my standards of truth but by God’s standards. Am I about to repeat a lie?

 So many things in life are torn down by our own words. This test is a good representation of God’s instruction on avoiding the mean girl thing. God calls us to be all about His glory.

 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18

 Lord, please let me measure my words carefully, according to Your word and depending on Your spirit to guide me.

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